The following images are an orchestrated series of visual events that were designed specifically for the space they occured. They involve a human presence whose role is more navigator than performer. The visual image remains the carrier of content.
Performance/Installations 1999-2006
Poster The next 11 images: "Satellites, Outposts and a Ridiculous Leap of Faith" A collaborative project with Bettina Schülke. At the MAK, Museum of Contemporary Art, Vienna. February, 21st, and LUME, Center for New Media and Design, Helsinki, 2006.
Main Frame 20036 dome tents and a 3 x 3 x 3 meter copper tube frame.
Assembling the "Satellite" The MAK, Vienna.
Work StationsRaton basket with wood frame for the "Outpost" with the "Satellite".
The MAK, Vienna.
AscendingC-print., 60 x 70 cm.
"Front-man" Herwig Kienzl climbing up to attach the safety line that suspends
the "Nomad" and the "Satellite". The MAK, Vienna.
Building Up2003Mixed mediums.
13 meters x 4 m. Diameter.Bettina Schulke with Herwig Kienzl callibrating the tension of the wire to hold 95 bales of straw onto the frame of the "Outpost". The MAK, Vienna.
"Satellites, Outposts and a Ridiculous Leap of Faith" 2006Multi media Installation/Performance.
9 meters x 4 meters x 4 meters.Outpost: 95 bales of hay.
Satellite: 6 dome tents connected by copper
"Satellites, Outposts and a Ridiculous Leap of Faith" 2006Multi media Installation/Performance.
3 meters x 3 meters x 3 meters.Various views of multiple live video streams from global points uploaded and projected onto the Satellite.
"Satellites, Outposts and a Ridiculous Leap of Faith" 200695 bales of straw, copper, steel cable, 6 dome tents and a chicken.
The MAK, Vienna.
Ascending towards the Satellite.2006Film still.
Variable."Nomad", Alexander Viscio leaves the "Outpost" wearing the mirrored over-alls that were designed to reflect light in dark cramped spaces and enters the Satellite. The MAK, Vienna.
The library inside the Outpost.2006Mixed
Variable.LUME, Helsinki, FIN.
Building up the "Outpost"5 meters x 4 m. Diameter.Construction materials and other detritus find around the community applied to re-inforce the "Outpost". LUME, Helsinki.
Fussabstreifer and the Occasional Invaders. 2003Poster
70 x 50cm.Installation/performance at the MAK, Museum for Applied and Contemporary Kunst. Vienna, Aut.
Fussabstreifer and the Occasional Invaders. 2003Printed matter.
Installation view.3000 announcement cards inside the entrance of the Georg Kargl Galerie, Vienna.
Live at the MAK, Fussabstreifer and the Occasional Invaders 2003Visitor entering the Museum and stepping onto the glass pressed against my body with 500 field crickets inside with me who's chirping was amplified into the main hsll of the Museum.
Live at the MAK, Fussabstreifer and the Occasional Invaders 2003A video projection of visitors walking over my body and the amplified chirping of 500 crickets engulfed the main hall of the Museum.
Cleaning up.2003Live at the MAK, "Fussabstreifer and the Occasional Invaders"
Foto der woche2003News Article/review.
Article appearing in the news magazine "Profil".
A Cocktail Before Dinner
Announcement card.
17 x 14cm.
A Cocktail Before Dinner2002Artist, Glass and a 1 ton floor-jack.
Variable.Performance/Insallation view of my body pressed against the ceiling of Palais Epstein with a large sheet of glass and a single floor-jack. Vienna, November, 16, 2002.
Easy Killer 2001Instant soup mix with poison and enamel paint on glass.
30 x 80 cm.From the show, "Easy Killers and other Softwear".
Easy Killers and other Softwear 2001"Schwimflugle" PVC.
300 x 300 x 300cm.I was rolled around inside a giant "schwimflugle" during the opening. Galerie Bernsteiner, Vienna. Photo: Elizabeth Wind.
Easy Killers and other Softwear.2001PVC
300 x 300 x 300cm.Photo: Elizabeth Wind.
Easy Killers and other Softwear.2001PVC
Photo: Elizabeth Wind.
Easy Killers and other Softwear.2001Video still.
Video-still from the film, "Vehicles for Another Landscape". Director, Michal Kosakowski.
Easy Killers and other Softwear.2001Video still.
Video-still from the film, "Vehicles for Another Landscape". Director, Michal Kosakowski.
Johnnie Walker's Sobriety Test 1999 Wind.
80 x 50cm.Photos: Elizabeth Wind.
Loading up.I navigate a giant
"Walker" filled with 5000 eggs through out the space until all the eggs seap through the basket and onto the black floor of "Semper Depot", at the Akademie der Bildenden Kunste, Vienna.
Photos: Elizabeth Wind.
Walking on egg shells.Photos: Elizabeth Wind.
Vehicles for Another Landscape.Photos: Elizabeth Wind.
40 x 40cm.Video-stills from, "Vehicles for Another Landscape" Director/Camera: Michal Kosakowski.
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